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Archive for the month “November, 2011”

DYLANism: on the rocks, no salt

5/11 – After going to the grocery store on a Friday after work, to get a few things for the weekend, we went next door to get a bottle of tequila for some margaritas for the upcoming summer. I walked over to what looked like the familiar label that I like. But when I got to the shelf I realized it was Cuervo Margaritta mix.

The store clerk came over and asked , “Can I help you?”

I said, ” I thought I saw what I was looking for but it wasn’t it.”

Then my 3 year old, that I am carrying the whole time, chimes in to the liquor store lady saying, “No daddy yours is over here”, pointing to a display of Cuervo on the show room floor.

She was right! How embarrassing…my 3yr old can recognize the type of tequila I prefer. I don’t start mixing margaritas until she is in bed. Honest!

DYLANism: “Hey, that hurt my butt!”

9/10 – I was putting Dylan to bed one night and she did not want to lie down. She just wouldn’t listen to my repeated requests to lay down. So, getting more and more frustrated I spanked Dylan’s bottom and laid her down and repeated. “Now lay down and go to sleep.”

Dylan sprang up immediately and said, “Heeeeey! That hurt my butt!”

I said, “What?”

Rebelling she said, “That hurt my butt!” and threw herself back down on her pillow.

I could hardly keep from laughing.                                   

Hello world!

Here it is! Daddy’s Day Dare! Our life at the 3D. My wife thought this would be a good way to channel my creative energy, telling friends and family about our amazing kids and share some of our day (the kids and I) with the world.

Hey,  is that a great looking family or what?

Please keep in mind, since this is my first post the blog, it is still a work in progress! I am learning as I go here. I hope to keep the blog Fun! Or at least readable. These kids are my material and it is never dull. So stay tuned! You never know what is going to happen next.

If you have a minute take a quick look around. Leave me a comment to let me know you entered into our virtual house. ~ help yourself to the frig.

Thanks for stopping by! If you want, please subscribe to 3D and then I will work hard for you. Because you rock!

Take care,


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