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Archive for the month “December, 2013”

Twas the day of Christmas….

Twas finally time for naps

And all through the mess

Not a creature was stirring,

Except for Dad on WordPress…

We had a happy and fun time Christmas morning and if the sight of family videos and lousy photography via cell phones doesn’t rub you the wrong way why don’t you grab some egg nog and sit a spell.

Christmas actually started a little early for our girls. When I got home from work Christmas eve I spied a box with their name on it by the front door.

Now if you have been following 3D for a while you may know who this is from.

Our girls are blessed with a whole stadium full of grandmothers that adore these girls. And every Christmas eve a box shows up on our doorstep from a very special grandmother. Here is a peek at some of the fun Christmas eve as their Holiday gets started 12 hours early…

But soon after some super gifts, church, and dinner it was off to bed to wait for Santa!

With all the gift giving and good will we couldn’t for get snacks for dear ol’ Santa though…WP_20131224_003Homemade Gingerbread cookies thanks to our nanny!

As usual, Christmas morning started way too early (this doesn’t happen at your house, does it?). The kids were up for hours while the parents were still in their PJ’s.

Knowing Aunt Sue would still be wearing her camera though I decided to wear my ‘Max-the-Dog’ Santa Clause hat to cover up some troubling bedhead and try to look a little festive!


Now it may come as no surprise to you but our girls were pretty good over all this year. The Clause’s actually think a lot of the girls and decided to leave each one a whole sack of presents for their very own!


Thank you Santa!

And so spying their booty bag of gifts the craziness began!

The girls tore into their respective bags. We had to separate the bags to keep from confusing who got what toy. They each got some things from Santa that they asked for and some that they didn’t ask for. But none of the gifts kept the smiles from showing!

Yes, Skylar could not be confused by Daddy and knew exactly what she wanted to do with her stocking money…head to the kid heaven of Chucky Cheese!

The girls worked through their bags a little bit more and I saw I had a problem on my hands…WP_20131225_003

..and we are just getting started at this point!

I’m going to need some more trash bags..

Yes, this is our first Christmas without a fireplace and the debris was piling up. The girls didn’t notice though. They were just getting started as well.

Evidently Santa and his elves heard Dylan started school this year and some of her Christmas booty went to keeping her ‘Kindergarten fashionable‘..

Santa knew what Skylar likes too! And while Skye never asked for a special gift she got a surprise one any way….

Yes, ‘EVERY child should have a camera’ so they can take impromptu pictures of their Mom and Dad….and thus not use up so much data on their parents cell phone!

Santa was his usual generous self and nobody in the family was forgotten….


Now if you look at Chumley’s Christmas collar you may notice some Jingle Bells on it. He accepted the collar like a good sport and never seemed to notice the bells jingling every time he took a walk.

This actually helped to keep our whole house festive with the sound of Santa’s sleigh in the house. ….that is until we went to bed. Chum sleeps in Mom and Dad’s room and so the collar had to come off before he stuck one foot, er, paw on there. But the collar didn’t come off before I raced him around the backyard at bedtime!

This gave the whole neighborhood the jingling sound of Santa’s sleigh (bells) feverish tearing though the night time air, looking for a roof top to land on.

Now some of you may be wondering, did Santa remember Dylan’s special gift, the Stuffy? See if this smile and what’s under her arm can help you out….

Sorry, that is the most she would hold still with the Stuffy in her hands.

Now what about Daddy?

Do you think Daddy was good enough all year to merit some Christmas treasures?

Well, I got a very special Christmas bag from Santa under the tree too, filled with exactly what I want….


I also got some dazzling refrigerator art (for work) to remind me why I go to work in the first place…



Not too bad, eh?


I hear some creatures stirring in the house now. And I still have some ‘assembly required‘ on my To Do list.

But first I think I will get another bowl of this….


Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

Thanks for dropping by!

Christmas in the tropics…

The first day of winter was yesterday and we were bundled up tight…by the air conditioner! Our air temperature topped off at almost 80 degrees here yesterday, as we stowed our jackets and gloves for shorts and flip flops again.

It felt like maybe we were heading for Christmas on Christmas Island!

Yes, all the dangling neon ice cycles, hanging from roof tops and rain gutters couldn’t make our first day of winter any cooler. And I thought are we about ready to exchange a Christmas of fires in fire places for the lucid hum of the air conditioner again?

No hot chocolate. No steam coming from mouths as we hop in the car. No cold car rides through brightly lit Christmas light shows…..instead having to op for the windows rolled down?

I mean….this is the only time of the year I get a chance to wear my snazzy green blazer for cryin’ out loud!

But my glass half empty Grinch was soon to be readjusted as a favorite Christmas carol came on…

Do you see what I see?

Tis the time for preparing our hearts for the greatest gift of all. It not about fires or warm temperatures, Christmas parties and presents, green blazers, or decorations. Its about…“A child, a child will be sleeping somewhere in the night. He will bring us goodness and light.”

So this is 3D wishing each and every reader out there a way to prepare your hearts for a ‘warm’, memorable and peaceful Christmas and Christmas week!

Merry Christmas everyone!

(Mele Kalikimaka!)

…to all my readers, where ever you are:

Feliz Navidad!

Joyeux Noel!

Froehliche Weihnachten!

Zalig Kerstfeast!

Kala Christouyenna!

Nollaig Shona Dhuit!

Ruumsaid juulup|hi!

Buone Feste Natalizie!

Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto!

Sung Tan Chuk Ha!

Sarbatori vesele!

Hristos se rodi!

God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt Ã…r!

Nadolig Llawen!

Srozhdestvom Kristovym!

Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo!

More good news…

In this season of preparing for the Good News to come, I ran into a bit myself last week.

It was check-up time with Dr. O. and the Oncology team. Dr. O. is the physician that orchestrated my whole green-belly, radiation, Bruce Banner, planting seeds in my flower garden thing.

Well the whole ordeal started with a simple blood test, PSA’s and the reading there of. You want your PSA to be low, near zero I understand. My initial PSA of 6.5 sent me to see Dr. O. and I had a PSA as high as 7.5 before my procedure.

Well last Tuesday the good doctor said my newest PSA registered a 1.5. (Yayyy!) I asked him what his target PSA, or my GOAL. Dr. O. says his job is to get it to a 0.2.

So I asked him his time frame for accomplishing his goal? He said over the next 1-2 years. He followed up that he was very excited with good news to start!

PSA Chart showing how 'Its Not My Time'

PSA Chart showing how ‘Its Not My Time’

But I tell you he was not the most excited one in the room!

With a little luck I should be around for a long, long time he says. And if I can just get the kinks out I can start working on my immortality; again.

But you see…I have kept this news largely to myself for the last week or so, really just to bubbling over with joy to do anything.

So I wanted to ask you, If YOU got good news, such as this what would you do?

How would you celebrate?

I can’t tell you what I actually did and spoil the survey!

Suffice it to say, I was the last patient of the day, it was late, and I pass right by  Dunkin Donuts on the way out of the parking lot.


I’m so boring!

But I can sing Auld Lang Syne a few more times!

OK, you got me.

I could never really sing that song anyway…

Progress so far…


This is a post originally published 12/24/2011. Yes, Christmas eve on my second month of blogging.This was one of the bright spots amid all the stress of preparing for Santa…reliving Christmas past once again:

Yesterday we had to traverse the Mall-WalMart-Best Buy triangle gauntlet on the way to Target. Its our local version of the Holiday frenzy that keeps you from getting to anywhere on time.

The cars waiting to get in the Wal-mart parking lot (let call lot A) were lined up back to the Best Buy parking lot. Cars waiting to get in the Best Buy parking lot (lets call lot B) were stacked up all the way back to Wal-mart. And then there was the mall traffic making traffic come to a standstill.

As bad as it was my wife pointed out trying to make it to the Target today, the 23rd, would not be…

View original post 199 more words

What’s that in the rearview mirror?

With a great week and weekend of Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror I just wanted to share some things from the past weekend before I go full throttle on more Christmas reblogs.    🙂

We had a wonderful fall weekend here in the Lowcountry. The leaves here finally gained some color and started to fall making a nice back drop for our Thanksgiving meal.

Fall over the chilly coastal waterway on the way to work

Fall over the chilly coastal waterway on the way to work

I am happy to say that this new house of ours has yet to ask me to rake any of the leaves. It was one of the perks of buying this house over our house we just left that had five 80 foot Gum Trees. Ahhhhhhh!

Thanksgiving week began with Dylan learning about the first Thanksgiving in school and then dressing up as Native Americans one day and Pilgrims the next.

Dances with wolves

Aunt Sue came down and encouraged them to have some zany fun while Mom and Dad tried to turn invisible over the weekend.

You can tell the girls are getting older as they have gone from dressing as Disney Princesses to now….Rock Princesses!

Rock PrincesssesI was paying some bills one night and these two came walking in like this. I said, “What do you call this? Who are you supposed to be”

Dylan says with authority, “We are Rock Princesses!”

(sigh) I don’t like this getting older thing…not for them or me!

And yes, ‘the Big Game‘ was on over the great Thanksgiving weekend of college ball. Did you see it?

Yes, an unranked Penn State team went on the road to #12 Wisconsin and took them out!

Wisconsin never lose sat home! PSU was 24 point underdogs! Did you see this?

If you were game enough to click on that video, is there anything better than the spirit of college football as shown in the locker room there at the end?

And is there any more boring or dated uniforms than those whit- on-white uni’s Penn State continues to endure. Oh, well maybe Alabama!

Speaking of, to all me friends out there riding the Crimson Tide, Missouri might just take Auburn in the title game this week as the hang over of winning the Iron Bowl may be too great. PLUS, Michigan State has a good chance of shutting down undefeated Ohio States vaunted offense, knocking them from the unbeaten. Where does that put your Crimson tide then? Remember, you heard it here first!

Phew! Yes, all the excitement of the great football last weekend wore Skylar O-U-T, out!

Time out!

Time out!

Lastly, Dylan and Skylar received a very nice card in the mail from a very special Grandma and daughter. Dylan eagerly tore open the envelope to read the lovely card inside. (Thank you!)


Inside was money! Money to buy all of us ice cream the card suggested. Dylan thought maybe some lunch at a favorite Mexican restaurant.

So I talked to her about money that afternoon as she didn’t know what to do with it. I told her there are three things you can do with money.

You could spend it on something you like. Or you could save for something really special some day. Or, you might give it to someone who might need it more than you.

Well Dylan held onto that money ALL weekend! Everywhere she went she had those dollars clenched in her hand. She was still searching for some sort of utility for spending her new money.

Monday I drove her to school like normal. She still had the money in her hand if not in her little purse. She said, “Daddy, maybe I will give this money to Aubrey or buy her something today.”

Aubrey is her best friend in school that she met at the hockey game a few weeks back.

Feeling very pleased with the decision Dylan came to I applauded her idea and asked her, “Dylan, how would that make you feel then, to do something nice for your friend?”

Without hesitation Dylan responds, “Sad! I wouldn’t have that money any more!”

From the mouths of babes!

That’s all I have this week! We were pretty laid back here and trying to get a game plan for December. I’ll try to do better next time knuckleheads.

What are you looking forward to in the month to come?

I am thinking about smoking another turkey! That was too good last week and too few a times that we actually enjoy something that good and that simple.

Have a Great Weekend!

Bonus: Listen, I know this post was kinda week so I wanted to offer include this online game as a consolation. Click Here and help Dylan catch the snow on her tongue. (Hint you can guide the snow with your mouse.

Do you see all those leaves at our old house? That was only a week’s worth!

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