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Archive for the tag “fitness”

Its that time of year again, lets go for a run!

It’s getting close to that time of year again….where we start to consider our health and fitness; or it will be soon. Lots of people worry about over eating (me!) or just eating too many sweets (me again) over the upcoming holidays. If you are one of these people its time to make a plan. Set a goal. Then go for a run.

Each year I indulge in way too many holiday feasts and sweets and ice cream! So every holiday my goal is to run a ½ marathon to run off all the calories willfully consumed during the holidays. All the training and then the running for 2 hours, is a great way to get back in beach shape and burn off all those holiday calories.

How about you?

I know January is when there are the most new gym memberships each year. If you are one of those persons, or just exercise on an off, I wanted to offer some tips on doing some cardio (running) to keep those clothes fitting.

Set a goal to run one or more 5K, 10K or half marathon race after the holidays are over. Running is the best way to burn calories. Your added training to complete your goal(s) are a healthy way to enjoy the holiday festivities and not feel guilty.

You don’t have to win these events, just finish and have some fun. You would be amazed at the atmosphere of other happy fitness fanatics afterwards. It’s like a party.

I have been a runner all my life. While I haven’t had a great deal of training in it I have acquired some ‘best methods’ in being the best runner I can be. I wanted to offer these basic running tips to you in case you are feeling the need to get healthier too. Certainly once you feel comfortable you can add more competitive habits to your training.

Here’s a great place to learn more, http://www.runnersworld.com/ where you can learn about ALL things running.

BREATHING : It goes without saying, breathing is crucial to running. If you are getting (back) in shape I always say the heart muscle is the first muscle to strengthen. That includes making your lungs more efficient too. Simply, you need oxygen in your blood. In a sense the oxygen gives you more energy. Ever notice how you breathe lots heavier at the end of the run than the beginning? Your blood needs more oxygen. So give it more!

When you run focus on your form (pick those knees up) and your breathing! Focus on taking deeper breaths before your body asks for them. It gives you more energy over a long run.

When you get tired, and you want to give up, focus on taking deeper breaths and give it another 3 minutes to get the oxygen in your system. It works! I actually adopted a running form from my 6 year old. When I chased her she placed the tip of her tongue against her upper lip and took off. For me, it gets my tongue out-of-the-way to take in more air. I look like a goof! But I am was beating 90% of my competition now!

Award for winning my age group in my hand ~ the plaque, not Ms. South Carolina

STRETCHING: I hope everyone stretches. The older you get the more you need this! Stretching is important both before and after your run. Why after? Ever feel real tight after a good run? Stretch those muscles out again before they clamp up. Your legs will feel MUCH better that evening.

Stretch a good 10-15 minutes before and after each run. The more loose and warm your muscles are the easier it is to run. You know this. Remember those runs when your legs just feel too heavy and tight to run? How much time did you do stretching? You just do your best running if your muscles are as loose as they were when you were 12. You didn’t have any trouble then, did you?

NUTRITION: Eat healthy, become lighter. That makes sense doesn’t it? Eat protein, become stronger! I take a weight lifters mentality to recovery. When you exercise you break down muscle tissue. You build that muscle up by consuming protein, hopefully with in the first hour after you exercise.

When I run hard I want to be stronger the next time I run to be able to run faster or further. Protein shakes or bars and some lean protein for dinner. Are your muscles hurting after you run? Give them what they are begging for…protein.

Don’t over dress, who wants added weight?

RUNNING APPAREL: This is not about fashion. It is about running efficiency. Most runners can’t run well when they are hot, or over heated. So think about how much you wear before you start out. Don’t over dress. It is extra weight, confining, and makes you feel tired because your body spends too much energy trying to cool you down.

A rule of thumb is dress for about 10 degrees cooler than the outside temperature actually is. Why? Your body heat will rise when you hit your stride running, right? If you start out dressed warmly, your body temp rises that much higher.

My ideal outside temp is 50-60 degrees. When it is over 75 I can’t run my best as I just get too hot…and I can only strip down so far!

Don’t run to win. Run to finish and have fun!

JOIN SOME AREA RUNS: You have worked hard. You have sacrificed in time, food, and comfort. So reward yourself. You have earned it, right!Take time to have some fun for all the sacrifices.  Join an area run! Or better yet, grab a friend to come along.

Most running events are fundraisers to support noble and worthwhile charities. You’ll feel good about supporting these! The charitable organizations want to raise as much money as possible so they try to make the event as attractive as possible to get as many participants (funds) as they can. Most area runs have all types of runners and walkers….all types.

These events make it fun to run with some great post-race parties, including free beverages, fruits, and giveaways! If I haven’t lost you, here is a great example of what I mean from a favorite local race. The first 2 minutes are about the charity and who it benefits (kids hospitals). The rest shows the fun Christmas themed run downtown as participants (and dogs) dress in their favorite Christmas running outfits and the party that takes place afterwards. Take a look:

Have fun with your fitness! It doesn’t matter if you are the fastest or slowest. (You won’t be the slowest) Just go to run. Run at a pace that allows you to finish and enjoy it. Then meet other running comrades at the post-race party. You’ll see, everyone is happy and in a great mood. And so will you! You did it!

Then you’ll want to run another one.

Post-race party after a Christmas run

There are lots of other tips in running but these are some basics to consider. Whether young or old, new or experienced. Have fun! Stay Healthy! Eat some more Christmas Ham…you’ll run it off!

The Answer To My Prayers

A little while back, OK it was 2 years ago, I posed the question “What am I doing wrong”, as evidenced by my ever tighter belt line. I was trying to get me back in running shape, but was not having any luck, as far as loosening that same belt notch.

The opinion I need to stop finishing the kids plates at our meals was the overwhelming idea that I needed to incorporate. Thanks to everyone that offered their great ideas!

There is a part of me that is in complete agreement with that thought, especially when the kids are in their “not hungry” mode and the dish is one of my favs. Another part of me, the realist, says this solution just ain’t possible; for two reasons.

First, I’m a pig! I like to eat. I love to taste things. This is why my perfect vacation begins and ends at an ‘all-inclusive’ resort. I get my and my wife’s moneys worth!

Second, I was raised by depression-era parents. We just didn’t throw any food away when we ate. Everything was eaten. Common end-of-meal conversations included: “Some more potatoes here, who wants them?

I’m full!

I had seconds already.

Split them with you?


So, short-story long, there’s got to be another way. As much as I want, I can’t turn away from free food. It takes too much will-power! So I have to come up something else.

I need something that pushes you, is measurable, has benchmarks built in, is flexible enough to go at your own pace yet versatile enough to allow you to push yourself as fast as you want.

And that’s why God created treadmills!

That’s right. God answered the prayers of mine, and every other food lover out there. It s the perfect solution. You can train, tone, and condition on treadmills. Inside! (have you felt how cold it is outside?)

I have used treadmills to train for everything from 5K runs to ½ marathons. With all the adjustments available, your conditioning can get fairly, uh, mechanical.

All sorts of adjustments plus the ‘luxury’ of running inside

Now I am the first to say running on a treadmill is not the same as running outside. I have trained hard on treadmills but end up floundering in races if I didn’t also pound some pavements. But using treadmills can be analytical way to improve your health, conditioning, and training.

There are two fitness tips to consider when using treadmills if you are a runner or want to lose weight. First, if you want to get closer to resembling the resistance that there is running outside, turn the ‘Incline’ feature to 1.0 degrees. Its not the same but it will make running a tad harder. If you get used to it and want to improve, do your cardio at 1.5 incline.

Second, when you run to condition and lose weight, the rule of thumb in burning fat is that for the first 20 minutes you burn carbohydrate calories in your system. After the first 20 minutes you start to burn fat calories. This will vary by an individual’s conditioning of course. But, if you are looking to lose weight, pick a pace on a treadmill that allows you to raise your heartbeat for a good 30 minutes; and then stick with it.

Want to be a treadmill track star?

Some other advantages I have used in my running training include:

•    Never be satisfied, always work to exhaustion: I start on a treadmill to first catch my rhythm and get my breathing right. At that point I will increase the ’Pace’ feature one or two clicks every two minutes, or every song if you are running with headphones. This way you are always working hard to improve your speed, breathing, or thinking about what is going to be left on your kid’s plates at dinner later that night.
•    Challenge yourself. Make it a game: I use the calorie counter when I train. Not for a vain attempt to look at my waist results, but as a measure of how hard I exercise. Think about it… (Time running x Pace = Calories burned).

So if you run for 20 minutes or 30 or 45, find the amount of calories you burn each time you run this time amount. Use that calorie number as a benchmark. Then each time you run try to beat your personal best in ‘calories burned’ by turning up the pace and beating that benchmark. Make sense?

•    Build your endurance by running 5 minutes longer: If you want to burn more calories or train for a long run, have the goal each week of running 5 minutes longer at your normal pace by the end of the week. I do this when I train for 1/2 marathons. This week I want to run for 45 minutes. Next week for 50 minutes and so on until you reach your goal.

•    Increase your speed by hiking up the incline: Lots of runners try to increase their speed by strengthening their legs. They do this by running hills, bridges and bleachers. You can do this by slowly raising the incline. Be realistic when you do this so you don’t injure yourself. Usually a 5% incline is the most you should run at. It burns!

•    Race yourself if you have a limited amount of time: If time is not on your side in your busy day find a distance that works in your time frame and then race to see how fast you can get there. Or race to see how far you can go in your 15 or 20 minute lunch break. And then try to beat your record each time. You get a good workout and on your way as fast as possible.

These are just some of the ways you can use treadmills to accomplish your fitness goals. You might have some games of your own. Have fun and be fit.

I highly recommend always, always, always try to eat some protein within the first hour after you run, around 20 grams, if you want to run faster, longer, or burn more calories the next time you run. You just tore your muscles down, so build ‘em up with some protein.

One final trick I use to keep protein in my body and my metabolism up is eating a few protein or energy bars through the course of the day. There are a wide variety of these found at your local target. Check out their protein levels as well as their fat levels then chose the ones for you.

Good luck in your fitness quests for the new year!

What other running tips or games do you use?

Take a Deep Breath

Take a deep breath. Its something most of us take for granted.

But not all of us.

A few years ago I ran in a local 5K, ironically sponsored by the American Lung Association (ALA). Not only was I running in the event, I was also doing a race summary article for the local running club.

In interviewing the winners and some other participants, I talked with a young lady that was the third place female finisher in the race. This young collegiate runner also had asthma. It had hindered her running career. In fact, she collapsed at the finish line shortly after completing the race. She told me she had picked up asthma after her father had quit smoking a few years back.

At that same race I met and interviewed some of the ladies running our local chapter of the ALA. They gave me some story lines. Then they invited me to be on the Leadership Board for the ALA to help promote a new event they were planning, the Fight For Air Stair Climb. Given my recent new awareness to asthma as well as my appreciation for my own good health I signed on immediately.

You see I do try to stay physically active and have been for many, many years. Like many of you fit and active runners, bikers, and lifters, without clean air in our lungs and efficient lungs to utilize the oxygen where would we be at?

Me? Clean lungs are a big deal to me. Without the use of healthy lungs I would have missed out on many great moments in my life. I never would have won that race in Stone Harbor in 1976. I never would have enjoyed going on the many scenic bike rides years ago. I never would have enjoyed the honors or joy in my running and track successes. And I never would have had the strength or energy to rehabilitate my bad shoulder; or ride my bike  to work like I do now.

My new wheels! The C-word isn't going to slow me down!

My new wheels! The C-word isn’t going to slow me down!

In fact, I’d probably be a 200 pound couch potato! Without the efficient handling of oxygen to my lungs and then in my blood I would have been finished a long time ago!

Where would you be if you couldn’t breath in and breath out easily?

I don’t want to lose you with statistics so I just want to leave you with a few areas that the Lung Association helps.

1) Lung Cancer: This past year we lost a college football legend, Joe Paterno. For close to 50 years he was a competitor. He coached elite athletes at a high level in college football.  In late October of 2011 he ran onto the football field and his team won his 412th game as a head college football coach, more than anyone else in his sport. In mid November we were told he had an “operable” form of lung cancer. In mid January, just 2 months later, he passed away, falling victim to the very aggressive lung cancer. Yes the C-word.

2) Air Quality: Most of you that are runners probably run outside along the streets and roads mapped out for a good run. Did you know that the air you breathe along the roads is actually bad for you? Air close to any car exhaust in it can burn your lungs, much a like sunburn from the inside. In fact, most major cities don’t have a great quality of air for anyone; runner, worker, Mom, or child.

3) Asthma: Did you know asthma is the leading reason kids miss school and actually be hospitalized? Its true. More kids miss school from dealing with their asthma than any other reason. How many kids, or adults do you know with asthma?

Our local ALA sponsors a summer kids camp every year, Camp Puff and Stuff. With some of the proceeds from our annual events the ALA puts on a week long summer camp teaching young kids how to deal with their asthma. And it works!

Kids and counselors from this year’s Camp Puff and Stuff

Rebecca Downs, a director at our local Lung Association, told me about a victory from this year’s camp when I asked her if she could elaborate on what the camp does.

Rebecca and other counselors at Camp Puff and Stuff

Rebecca told me, “I do have a good story from this year’s camp.  A school nurse shared with us that one particular child used to visit her room 2 or 3 times a week due to his asthma the year before he attended camp.  The child attended camp last summer, and he only visited the nursing room 2 to 3 times the whole year last year!”

Kids with asthma have a hard time, playing baseball, enjoying a Zumba class, or running half as far; at least in a comfortable manner.

So, I am helping to organize and also participate in this year’s Fight For Air Stair Climb, being held on Saturday July 20th. I am not only helping to organize but I am running climbing in it too, trying to raise a bit of money for the ALA myself.

And this is a big deal to me, based on my past experiences and these recent local successes. I strive to be healthy for a long, long time. I think you may know what the miracle of life means to me by now.

We are trying to raise money for the local Camp Puff and Stuff, as well as research and care for lung cancer patients, and national clean air and non smoking initiatives.

Who wants to join me?

You’re not afraid of a healty challenge, are you?

Checking our results after the stair climb

If you are inclined to help charities I would welcome any support. Any good will donation would be very appreciated and, as I mentioned earlier, actually gets results. Any amount, large or small, goes to helping people breathe easier and lead healthier lives, something we all take for granted. In fact, I will send anyone donating $20.00 or more one of our event’s silky event t-shirts (they really feel great!) with a big “Thank- you”!

If you are interested in supporting my healthy air initiatives please click on my image on the right. Or, this link takes you to my web page for the Lung Association. Each bank draft is safe and tax deductible. More importantly, they can actually help to save lives!

Later this week, when you are running or biking, swimming or lifting and you are breathing hard trying to catch your breath. Thank your lungs!


Without the efficient use of your lungs, you might just be an uncomfortable spectator.

Thank you for your consideration and support!

Thank you!

Thank you! You're Awesome


Hold On Tight

In contrast to the past two weeks in my Shrek series, where I had to ‘Boo Hoo’ a little, we had a GREAT weekend this past week!

We had our house deep cleaned top to bottom. It looks great! We had a pressure washing crew come out and give our house, driveway, sidewalks, and curbs a bath on Sunday. Now, the driveway is white, the bricks look like new and our siding is back to its original color. I was giddy!  Then my wife and I put some mulch over all the tree and shrubbery beds.

From the street, our house ‘Pops’ for all the potential new homebuyers that go driving by. We are finally ready to put our house on the market! The time has finally come!

That is what we are going to be doing as you read this. I set up Wednesday as the day we sign the papers. Thursday we take all the home photos for the listing. Then Friday the sign goes in the ground and we are holding on tight to our dream of a grand new house.

What a great feeling! 

Adding to this new found euphoria was the warm temperatures. The flowers are beginning to undress and flash some of their colors. The pollen is in the air….and all over my car!  Cats and dogs are getting along! Our dream of buying a great new house is coming to life!

Do you know the feeling I am talking about? ….when you are realizing one of your dreams coming to fruition?

Yes? No? Humor me with a click on the video and read on….

This song came on yesterday and reminded me back to our last trip to Jamaica.

I had just flopped down in a lounge chair in the sun facing the clear blue waters off the beach. Our precious girls were being entertained by a nanny at the resort. I had a tall Tanqueray and Tonic by my side. Relaxing, I shut my eyes and slipped in my Ipod earbuds and this song came on…..Hold on tight to your dreams. I made it!

After a tough year of changing jobs, being unemployed, learning new jobs, wondering how we were going to make it….we DID make it….made it back to the tropics.  And that lounge chair in the sun, where the rest of the world didn’t exist, was my validation.

A view from my lounge chair in our hidden sanctuary

A view from my lounge chair in our hidden sanctuary

And so I wanted just to remind you…..

Hold On Tight…to your dreams!

Whether your dream is to build your new house or parent the best kids in the world…..hold on tight!

Or a dream of graduating…with honors or get that perfect job…

or simply to understand or be understood….hold on to your dreams!


If your goal is to run a 7 minute mile or deadlift 150lbs. or simply be in the best shape or your life….hold on!

If your dream is to marry John or get a Law degree….hold on!

If your dream is to write a book or sell a book…

If you want to finish first in your category, class, or age group…hold on tight to that dream!

Prizes for winning my age group

Prizes for winning my age group

“ And when you feel so tired that you can’t stand up or you keep trying and trying but you’re all out of luck”…..Hold on tight!

Because nothing worthwhile is easy. Nothing valuable comes cheap. Nothing anybody has ever attained came without sacrifice.

“So when you feel down hearted and misunderstood..

Just keep telling yourself over and over and over and over to….Hold on Tight to Your Dreams”

If you want to travel and travel and travel…or take that dream vacation…

or cross off those very important items on your Bucket List….Hold On!

Or be the best leader you can be, whether at work or home or helping others…Hold on…

Hold on tight if your dream is to learn to fly or learn to sail the seas.

Or finding the perfect sunset….


Hold in tight to the dream of finding your perfect soul mate…..

or finding the perfect sunset with your perfect soul mate..


Or that perfect pair of shoes.

..that perfect look..

Or catching the perfect wave…

Sabrina 002

Or whatever else is most important for you to attain…Hold on Tight!

Hold on to those dreams of finding the perfect house….

or padding that home nest for days without an employer (anymore)

Dreams of putting four strangers together to become a family…. 

Or finally finding our most precious little girl…. 


And then one more… 


Or having a family when the odds are against you.

Watching George

Hold on very Tight to your dreams! 

Dreams can come true.

This is so crazy…

Stop me if you have heard this one before….

Yes, it’s the most wonderful time of year… for holiday traditions, gift giving, family, nostalgic songs, the Spirit of Christmas, plus some warm surprises. I hope you are beginning to get in the Spirit! Last year we were surprised with generosity from some very special angels. This year the surprises started this past weekend.

As I scrolled down my Inbox I saw a comment posted in my About page from a very gifted blogger saying I had been nominated for an award. 🙂 I was thrilled to think there was another that actually enjoys what I am doing here, if the thrill of getting a real-live comment was not enough. I click on the link to find out more finding out it is “Blog Of The Year Award“! Wow! Thank you so much Meiro! That’s amazing!

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

As I scrolled down Mei’s Nomination page I actually scrolled past an award she won prior to her winning the Blog Of The Year Award, the Lovely Blog Award (much deserved again Mei) only to find she had nominated this award for my blog as well. I never got the memo! “This is crazy“, I thought. There must be some mistake.

I was sitting here trying to think what nice words to say back to Mei, blushing the whole time. What an honor! I thought, please, my stuff is not that good. Everyone’s blog I read is better than mine; from creativity to punctuation. For someone that has out grown what other people think this made me feel very humble and appreciative.

I don’t read books or poetry. I hated English. My wife proofread all my essays in school. But people in the past have always encouraged me to write. So this, in a world of expert writers in WordPress, most have which have been Freshly Pressed,


this kinda was like some sort of badge of honor, so to speak, being  nominated from someone with so much more of a special gift than I do. I’m still glowing.

So, if I haven’t lost you, I had to think how I was going to graciously accept these awards. I know a lot of people don’t. But, ‘Badge of Honor’ and all that stuff, plus the fantasy that someday I might actually get paid to write means I would love to accept these awards as well as acknowledge and honor Meiro for her gracious nominations. But how can you do two different awards at once? Hmmm?

Take a look at the award responsibilities:

The Lovely Blog Award:

The Rules are:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you. <http://meirozavian.wordpress.com/2012/12/08/nominated-for-awards/. >
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

and the Blog Of The Year Award:


1.  Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award

2.  Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen
there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required
and ‘present’ them with their award.

3.  Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award


and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)

4.  Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award
and share the ‘rules’ with them

5.  You can now also join our Facebook group
click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then
you can share your blog with an even wider audience

6.  As a winner of the award
– please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award
– and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

Blog of the Year Award banner 600

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different!

When you begin you will receive the ‘1 star’ award
and every time you are given the award by another blog – you can add another star.

There are a total of 6 stars to collect.

Which means that you can check out your favorite blogs
and even if they have already been given the award by someone else
you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!

 For more information check FAQ on The Thought Palette 

Got all that?

So, the following are 7 things about me. I think I also need to nominate at least 15 bloggers too, some of which have been nominated before, hence giving them another star. If you see your blog mentioned please consider yourself nominated for one or more of these awards above…and collect some stars. I would love to nominate ALL the great blogs I follow, as you are all deserving. You really are. But would take all week!

1. I actually have stolen some things. I have been following various blogs for over a year and realized people are on WordPress for various reasons. Some like to write and some like to actually blog, which can be  different a skill. To me, some of the very best bloggers are Leeanne at Ironic Mom and Susie Lindau and her Wild Ride. These ladies are fun and funny and you can’t wait to see what they concoct next. I’ve stolen several ideas from Leeanne. I was going to steal something from Susie very shortly. Thanks ladies!I have stolen so many ideas and reblogs from the Ironic Mom..Shhh, she doesn't need to know!

2. I hate to read. I think I covered this. If it has pictures it will draw me in. There are a few great blogs with some stunning imagery backed with equally illustrative words. These blogs I followed just by finding their home page. Congratulations Esenga’s Voice, Meiro and Southern Sea Muse. You achieved what school, parents and spouses failed to do, creating images in my mind with words.Mei's blog is very captivating...

Mei’s blog is very captivating…

3. My Hobbies include Travel, Finance, Ball Card collections, Writing and Fitness, from weights to running to biking. My age, lack of time and some shoulder deterioration have affected my fitness goals in recent years. When it seems easy to just throw in the towel and accept my mortality, I remember the following two great examples that prove amazing fitness can be still be achieved at my age. Cassie at 43Fitness and Gym Rock Star I really admire and look up to.

4. This blog was started to share the stories of my two amazing daughters. Many of you may not know I have 2 since the oldest is the main character here; the fun talker and attention getter.

exhibitionist . dancing during parade

My youngest may be her opposite yet still a gem; loving, super photogenic, and smart. When she begins speaking clearly watch out!


There was a time we thought we would never have kids. Through series of IVF’s I prayed for years. Reluctantly, I decided to stop praying for one more year. My prayers were never answered. Instead, they were blown away beyond any ideas of what being a Dad could be. I never knew you could love a child this much!

The ‘brand’ of my blog has led to other similar blogs that illustrate their love for their kids. Karen, at Taking On Life With A Smile, Laura at Parenting Creative Kids, Don’t We Look Alike and A Happy Mess are all great blogs from parents that also cherish their kids.

5. I Really Love Christmas! I do love the fall with the cooler air and outdoor activities. Being a beach bum, I love the summer too. I love the winter and its cold air. But I really love Christmas! I’m not satisfied until my house looks like a Christmas Village. I would give gifts to everyone I know if it was possible. I found 2 blogs that actually echo my love for Christmas. They are both by the same person I believe. If you want some Christmas ideas, meanings, imagery, and spirit check out Christ!  Christmas and Christ! X-Mas. They She does a great job and I go back everyday to see whats new. chateau-default

6. This time last year I was unemployed.  I was unemployed for our youngest’s first Christmas. In the spirit of the season, we were visited by two ANGELS. Yes, two different people gave us more resources to spend on our two little girl’s Christmas than we would have spent on them ourselves. We were amazed and touched at their generosity. Yes, they do exist! Plus the girls were blessed with gifts from 4 grandmothers. I wasn’t working but these girls did not miss a thing.

the kids' Christmas

Similarly, in this wonderful Holiday season, tragedy has struck two of my favorite bloggers, Erin and Derek. Knowing things seem to happen in threes, Lets all say a prayer for these two writers as we move forward in this season of love, family and giving.

7. I love to help people. I’m a ‘helper’…to a fault. If there is something I can do to lend a hand I will lend both. Similar to the Angels above, I love to help make people smile. There are so many down things going on that can get you , ah…down. I would rather smile and be contagious.One group I volunteer for, the Lowcountry Orphan Relief. If you look closely that word is 'pencils'.

Christmas card from the Lowcountry Orphan Relief  charity

But I am an amateur compared to one special blogger, Sufey at sufey@SufeySuryananadi. Her whole blog is happy and smiles. There isn’t any one blog with more smiles then hers. Check out her ray of sunshine some rainy day. You’re gonna smile!

No blog I have seen has more smiles, from more places than Sufey

No blog I have seen has more smiles, from more places than Sufey

That’s it my friends! If you made it all the way here to the end, thank you. If any of these blogs match an interest of yours, please check out their blog.

Have a great week and weekend! You do great work! Keep it up…


~Thanks again Ms. Mei!

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