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Trick Or Treat?

Hello gang,

Its your phantom blogger again in an attempt to resurrect a stale, cold, dying blog. After several summons to come back from the dead I thought I would treat you all to some scary updates from our realm of the world.

OK, here’s a word that will send chills down your spine,


Report cards came out last week and our ghouls got straight A’s!

No loping off of fingers or toes this nine weeks!

Dylan made the A Honor Roll. Skye was all , 4’s as well. Adding another spice to the scholastic caldron, their Mom completed her last class for her MBA this past month too! She now has a bootiful new degree to hang on the wall and, AND  is officially as smart as me now.


In a recent open house, in which the PTA did NOT ask for money, Skye had her picture of our local suspension bridge hanging in the main hallway.

She did it Van Gogh style

Yes, our little goblin draws better than moi.

Speaking of Art, the girl’s local Art teacher agreed to paint a sunset scene on Dylan’s closet doors.

Oh no!

…she has to see Dylan’s messy room!

It all started when Dylan said she wanted her room painted. Well, this dead-as-door-nails, motionless-as-a-corpse Dad of hers quickly diverted her idea to the closet getting painted due to my ailment and the bloody, ghoulish opening of my belly several times back in September.

I was having none of that at the bloody time.

Skylar even has an interesting teacher who has them growing produce in some areas of the school. Her Children of the Corn have raised, or at last planted and watered a harvest of vegetables.

Like these sweet potatoes below.

Which brings us to the nightmarishly spooky part of the year…

Fall Festivals.

We have been to a few so far this year but apparently we have chosen the lame, er, ahhh…cheap Fall Festivals so far.

Riding Sharks…

Trying to lasso giant bubbles…

a band with a grandmother shaking maracas…

Nothing really to stand up (or play dead) to write home about

(but apparently some sorry blog fodder)


That is it.

Take a deep breath.


Did this inhuman Tick or Treat blog bore you

or relax you?

Have you been sufficiently lulled to peace and a deep sense of rest and relaxation?

Are you now open to suggestions?


Now you will look at D’s and S’s fund-raising videos from school where you are asked to pledge a dollar for how many laps they run. Vote on your favorite one, and then make a donation to that favorite video.



Click on the videos then cast your vote for the most dreadful one…

Scary Skylar:

Devilish Dylan:

I know, its hard to pick which one is better than the other!

It’s a fundraiser for their school. It brings in needed supplies.

Just pledging a mousey $1 is GREAT!

The more pledges our girls get the cooler the prizes they earn along with a class full of notoriety and self-esteem…

I know…


Before you go….for those that are still reading. I would ask that you say a prayer.

You see…. this guy below… his team is playing the devious, merciless, scoundrels of Ohio State on Saturday. What ever team wins will most likely be crowned BEST EVER College football team and also the Big Ten Champs.

Poor Saquon. Millions of people are calling him the best player in college football this year (see the video) but if his team loses on Saturday it all means nothing. (le sigh)

So please pray for Saquoun (he’s such a humble guy or he would do it himself) to beat the pants off those Ohio State Buckeyes, for Saquon to have a BIG game, and watch all things right in the world come together

..as Good defeats Evil

We Are!

Anywho, before I leave you with my much-anticipated Halloween play list that all of you can play while sitting in the school line or in traffic on the way to work, I want to wish you the SCARIEST Halloween yet!

Have fun, be devilish, don’t be safe….. mhawhahaha..

…and take pictures!

Happy Halloween knuckleheads!

I will try to be scarier next time….











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